NH1 pilot farm, key project to consolidate the French tidal energy sector.

Located approximately 3km west of the coast of Cap de la Hague, in an optimum area with very strong currents, the NH1 project will exploit the powerful marine currents of Raz Blanchard. This Channel sea current is one of the most powerful in the world and represents an untapped renewable and continuous energy source.

France, the second largest maritime domain in the world, benefits from an immediate mobilizable deposit of 5 GW, which makes it possible to produce 15 TWh, the equivalent of the production of two EPR-type nuclear reactors.

Four AR3000 turbines will be deployed 3.4 km west of the coast of Cap de la Hague in Normandy, in an area with very strong currents, which will optimize energy production.

This park of 4 tidal turbines with a nominal power of 12MW will produce 33.9 GWh per year of clean energy to supply 15,000 inhabitants.

In-depth maritime and terrestrial studies are carried out upstream and during the operation of tidal turbine farms to assess the impacts of tidal turbines on the marine environment.

Field studies and feedback on projects and existing infrastructures show a return of marine species (fish, marine megafauna, etc.) and that the foundations of tidal turbines and connection cables are becoming settlement spaces, such as for example the MeyGen project in the UK in which our turbine has had a turbine from its AR range connected to the network since 2018.

As well as those on the underwater noise of tidal turbines, studies have shown the sound pressure levels of tidal turbines are significantly lower than the disturbance thresholds of marine megafauna and that the sound pressure levels decrease rapidly and fall below the thresholds of detection and/or are drowned out in background noise.

Much more compact than wind turbines with equivalent power, tidal turbines use a reduced footprint compared to offshore wind turbine projects. For the NH1 project, the four AR3000 turbines will only use 5% of the total surface area of ​​the concession. .

The turbines will be installed at least 38 meters underwater depth, without visual impact, without danger to navigation or maritime safety and with respect for maritime life.