The European Commission published on 23/10 the list of winners of the "Innovation Fund", a European funding program that supports the development of innovative low-carbon technologies! 85 so-called "Zero-Net" projects were selected, for a total of 4.8 billion euros in financial support. The supported projects were evaluated on 5 criteria: potential for reducing GHGs; degree of innovation; technological, financial and operational maturity, replicability; economic profitability.
Our NH1 pilot tidal farm, with a total capacity of 12 MW, was selected by the European Commission as part of the Innovation Fund. As a reminder, the Alderney Race alone represents a potential of 5 GW of tidal energy!
This recognition underlines that tidal energy is a mature and competitive technology serving the energy transition. The sector receives the predictability necessary to bring confidence to investments and ensure its growth.
When it is commissioned at the end of 2027 in the Alderney Race, the NH1 pilot farm will produce 33.9 GWh per year of clean, sustainable and 100% predictable energy to the French national grid to supply 15,000 inhabitants. The NH1 pilot farm will operate four 3MW AR3000 turbines, the most powerful turbine in the world and competitive in terms of electricity costs. These innovative turbines were developed by Proteus for the NH1 project and will be manufactured in France and assembled in the Efinor workshops in Cherbourg. Indeed, with a well-defined value chain, the development of the NH1 pilot farm will mainly rely on the know-how of French suppliers. Nearly 80% of the value of the NH1 project and future NHs projects will be produced in France. The production of the NORMANDIE HYDROLIENNES turbines will mobilize approximately 400 FTEs (indirect & direct).
Find the press release:< wbr >commission/presscorner/detail/< wbr >en/ip_24_5423